Wednesday March 13, 2019 19:57
Did you know that, for our clients like you, we offer a 24-hour helpline for your Health & Safety issues and questions?
Our helpline has been operating since early 2018.
The number is: 0800 55 33 44.
During normal office hours, this 24-hour Health and Safety helpline will be answered by our team at head office.
After-hours it will be answered by Mike Batty, one of our most experienced Securo Health & Safety consultants.
Commonly we get calls very early in the morning, late afternoons and evenings, and during the weekends. We seldom get calls in the middle of the night. But we’re here if you need us.
4 reasons we provide you with a 24-hour Health & Safety helpline:
- More businesses than ever now routinely operate outside of normal business hours
- When it comes to H&S, you don’t know what you don’t know
- For some businesses, accidents / incidents are uncommon. There may be many months or years between events, and it’s easy to forget the steps you need to take
- We think it’s our role to provide you with a lifeline, a pathway to help you resolve the situation
The first 5 steps to take if an accident or incident occurs at your workplace:
- Make sure your immediate environment is safe for you
- If someone is injured, ensure that treatment is on the way with a call to 111
- Notify the injured persons family if you can
- Notify Worksafe (Read our 7 step guide)
- Call our 24-helpline for further advice: 0800 55 33 44
3 most common reasons for calls to the Securo 24-Hour Health & Safety helpline:
- An H&S accident or incident has occurred and you are unsure what to do next
- You’ve tried to call Worksafe after hours to report the accident/incident but you can’t get through
- You’ve identified what you think is a hazard at your workplace, and you don’t think it should wait until morning, but you don’t know what your next steps should be
If you are already a client, this service is available to you now.
If you are not yet a client of Securo’s, and still need help or advice after-hours, reach out to us anyway and consider that first phone call a free trial that get’s you on the way to becoming a client of ours.
Any Questions About Our Health & Safety helpline?
Please contact your Securo Safety Consultant directly or call Securo Head Office on 0800 55 33 44, or email