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Tuesday May 7, 2019 10:59
Does your company complete a Health and Safety induction of new employees?
Under the Health and Safety at Work Act, these are required.
It is important that in taking your new worker or employee through the health and safety induction that they understand what you have told them.
A simple questionnaire is a good idea to check that they have understood what they have been told.
There is no specific timeframe on a health and safety induction. However, common sense says it should be taken at the start of someone’s employment.
This is because it may take a week or more as you show them how to use particular machinery or undertake specific jobs or tasks, and ensure that they are competent before you let them lose on the job or machine by themselves.
Introduce the new employee to people that are likely to be called upon in an emergency.
People in all these roles have specific responsibilities in an emergency, and a Fire Warden and/or Building Warden will instruct the worker on what to do, plus, where to assemble.
Some businesses even provide the new worker with a “workbook” that explains the various risks and emergency information and forms the basis of the new employee’s health and safety induction questionnaire.
Early identification and understanding of potential risks through an enlightened and prompt induction programme, will reduce exposures to both the worker and your organisation.
Please contact your Securo Safety Consultant directly or call Securo Head Office on 0800 55 33 44, or email info@securo.co.nz.
(Image credit: TheListings.co.nz)