Friday April 1, 2016 14:19
The second edition of the 2013 publication Health & Safety Guide: Good Governance for Directors, has been published by WorkSafe NZ and the Institute of Directors. It has been revised to take in the new HSW Act.
The questions below were included as an appendix in the guide, we think these represent a very good guide for all businesses.
- How do the board and all directors demonstrate their commitment to health and safety?
- How do you ensure that the organisation’s risks are assessed and appropriate mitigation measures put in place?
- How does the organisation involve its workers in health and safety?
- How do you ensure that the organisation’s health and safety targets are challenging, realistic and aren’t creating unintended consequences?
- What data is the board receiving on both health and safety? Is this sufficient?
- How does the organisation ensure all workers are competent and adequately trained in their health and safety responsibilities and accountabilities?
- Does the organisation have sufficient resources (people, equipment, systems and budget) for its health and safety programme?
- How connected are you to what happens at the organisation’s work sites?
- What measures are in place to inform you? Does the organisation have a schedule of audits and reviews to ensure the health and safety management system is fit-for-purpose?
- How do you ensure that actions identified in incident reports, audits and reviews are communicated to the appropriate level within the organisation and effectively addressed by the organisation?
- Does the organisation have policies and processes in place to ensure contractors used by the organisation have satisfactory health and safety standards?
- How does the organisation’s performance compare with other comparable organisations and how do you know?
- How do you recognise and celebrate success?